DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions
C. Effective Wedge Angle

The Effective Wedge Angle (300A,00DE) and Radiation Beam Effective Wedge Angle (300A,0654) describe the dosimetric angle of a motorized wedge accounting for the partial presence of the wedge in the beam. The presence of the wedge in the beam is either specified by the Wedge Position (300A,0118) in the Wedge Position Sequence (300A,0116) included in the Control Point Sequence (300A,0111) of the current beam or the RT Control Point Sequence of the current Radiation. When the wedge is in the beam throughout all control points, the Effective Wedge Angle (300A,00DE) and Radiation Beam Effective Wedge Angle (300A,0654) will have the same value as the Wedge Angle (300A,00D5) or Radiation Beam Wedge Angle (300A,0652). Otherwise the Effective Wedge Angle (300A,00DE) or Radiation Beam Effective Wedge Angle (300A,0654) will have a lower value than the Wedge Angle (300A,00D5) or Radiation Beam Wedge Angle (300A,0652).

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions