DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions

C.8.35.3 Cutaneous Confocal Microscopy Image Acquisition Parameters Module

Table C.8.35.3-1 specifies the Attributes that describe cutaneous confocal microscopy image acquisition parameters.

Table C.8.35.3-1. Cutaneous Confocal Microscopy Image Acquisition Parameters Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Optical Magnification Factor



The magnification factor achieved using the optics of the imaging device when the image was acquired.

The magnification factor value represents the relative scaling of the image on the sensor e.g., for a magnification factor of 2, an object would appear on the sensor two times larger than if it was imaged with a magnification factor of 1. A magnification factor of 2 is sometimes shown in documentation as 2X.


The magnification factor does not, on its own, imply the ability to measure features in the image.

Image Acquisition Depth



The depth of the image acquisition from the tissue surface in millimeters (mm).

See Section C.

Field of View Shape



Shape of the field of view of the confocal microscope.

Defined Terms:


Field of View Dimension(s)



Dimensions of the field of view, in mm. If Field of View Shape (0018,1147) is:

RECTANGLE: row dimension followed by column

Tracking ID



A text label used for tracking a finding, feature or specific skin lesion, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time. This label shall be unique within the domain in which it is used.

Required if Tracking UID (0062,0021) is present.


This Attribute allows linkage to Content Items in SR instances with observation context (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") having the same value.

Tracking UID



A unique identifier used for tracking a finding, feature, or specific skin lesion, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time.

Required if Tracking ID (0062,0020) is present.


This Attribute allows linkage to Content Items in SR instances with observation context (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier") having the same value.

C. Cutaneous Confocal Microscopy Image Acquisition Parameters Attribute Descriptions​
C. Image Acquisition Depth

A raised skin lesion (Figure C. A.) is flattened to the level of the skin surface for in-vivo confocal microscopy imaging. Image Acquisition Depth is measured as illustrated in Figure C. B.

Acquisition depth measurement for raised skin lesions

Figure C. Acquisition depth measurement for raised skin lesions

DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions