DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.8.30.2 Corneal Topography Map Image Module

Table C.8.30.2-1 specifies the Attributes of the Corneal Topography Map Image Module, which describe an Image produced by corneal topography mapping devices.

Table C.8.30.2-1. Corneal Topography Map Image Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Instance Number



A number that identifies this Instance.

Content Date



The date the data creation was started.

Content Time



The time the data creation was started.

Acquisition DateTime



The date and time that the acquisition of data that resulted in this image started.


The synchronization of this time with an external clock is specified in the Synchronization Module in Acquisition Time Synchronized (0018,1800).

Image Type



Image identification characteristics.

See Section C. for specialization.

Samples Per Pixel



Number of samples (planes) in this image.

See Section C. for further explanation.

Enumerated Values:


Photometric Interpretation



Specified the intended interpretation of the pixel data.

See Section C. for further explanation.

Enumerated Values:


Pixel Representation



Data representation of pixel samples.

Enumerated Values:


unsigned integer

Include Table 10-10 “Basic Pixel Spacing Calibration Macro Attributes”

Pixel Aspect Ratio



Ratio of the vertical size and horizontal size of the pixels in the image specified by a pair of integer values where the first value is the vertical pixel size, and the second value is the horizontal pixel size.

Bits Allocated



Number of bits allocated for each pixel sample. Each sample shall have the same number of bits allocated.

See PS3.5 for further explanation.

Enumerated Values:



Bits Stored



Number of bits stored for each pixel sample. Shall be equal to Bits Allocated (0028,0100).

High Bit



Most significant bit for pixel sample data. Each sample shall have the same high bit. High Bit (0028,0102) shall be one less than Bits Stored (0028,0101).

Lossy Image Compression



Specifies whether an Image has undergone lossy compression.

Enumerated Values:


Image has not been subjected to lossy compression.


Image has been subjected to lossy compression.

See Section C. for further explanation.

Lossy Image Compression Ratio



Describes the approximate lossy compression ratio(s) that have been applied to this image.

See Section C.

Required if Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) is "01".

Lossy Image Compression Method



A label for the lossy compression method(s) that have been applied to this image.

See Section C.

Required if Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) is "01".

Burned In Annotation



Indicates that the image does not contain burned in annotation to identify the patient and date the image was acquired.

Enumerated Values:


Recognizable Visual Features



Indicates whether or not the image contains sufficiently recognizable visual features to allow the image or a reconstruction from a set of images to identify the patient.

Enumerated Values:



Corneal topography is similar to finger prints as it is unique to individuals. Therefore, it could be used by a trained person or an expert system to identify the patient.

Image Laterality



Laterality of object imaged (as described in Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218)) examined.

Enumerated Values:


right eye


left eye


This Attribute is mandatory, in order to ensure that images may be positioned correctly relative to one another for display.

Shall be consistent with any laterality information contained in Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence (0008,2230), if present.


Laterality (0020,0060) is a Series level Attribute and must be the same for all Images in the Series, hence it must be absent.

Include Table C.7.6.16-12 “Real World Value Mapping Macro Attributes”

DCID 4267 “Corneal Topography Mapping Unit for Real World Value Mapping”

Include Table 10-5 “General Anatomy Mandatory Macro Attributes”

The concept code for Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) shall be (81745001, SCT, "Eye"), and DCID 244 “Laterality” shall be used for Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence (0008,2220).

DCID 4266 “Ophthalmic Anatomic Structure Reference Point” shall be used for Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence (0008,2228). Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.


Although Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence (0008,2228) is Type 3, it is important to convey this information if able to be determined.

C. Corneal Topography Map Image Module Attribute Descriptions
C. Image Type

For Corneal Topography Maps, Image Type (0008,0008) is specified to be Type 1.

Defined Terms for Image Type (0008,0008) Value 3:


Identifies a topographic map of the cornea

C. Corneal Topography Map Real World Value and Image Transformations

The Corneal Topography Map SOP Class supports a sequence of transformations that completely define the conversion of a stored image into a displayed image.

The sequence of transformations from corneal measurements to a displayable image is explicitly defined in Figure C. Figure C. also conveys the transformation to display the scaling of the color map using its Section C. Real World Value Mapping Macro.

Corneal Topography Map Real World Value and Image Transformation Pipeline

Figure C. Corneal Topography Map Real World Value and Image Transformation Pipeline


Requirements for an SCP of the Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Class when rendering SOP Instances of this SOP Class are defined in Section B.5.1.17 “Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Class” in PS3.4. Formerly, these requirements could be found in this Section of PS3.3.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions