DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.8.26.3-1 defines the Attributes used to represent the test reliability parameters determined during a patient's visual field test.
Table C.8.26.3-1. Visual Field Static Perimetry Test Reliability Module Attributes
The patient's gaze stability information during the visual field test. |
DCID 4253 “Visual Field Static Perimetry Fixation Strategy”. |
The number of times that the patient's gaze fixation is checked. Required if Fixation Monitoring Code Sequence (0024,0033) contains an Item with the value (111844, DCM, "Blind Spot Monitoring") or (111845, DCM, "Macular Fixation Testing"). May be present otherwise. |
The number of times the patient's gaze is not properly fixated. Required if Fixation Monitoring Code Sequence (0024,0033) contains an Item with the value (111844, DCM, "Blind Spot Monitoring") or (111845, DCM, "Macular Fixation Testing"). May be present otherwise. |
Whether the device was able to determine excessive fixation losses. |
The number of fixation losses is outside of implementation-specific limits. Required if Excessive Fixation Losses Data Flag (0024,0039) is YES. |
The reliability of the patient's responses to the visual field test. |
Total number of times the patient's visual attention was tested using stimuli brighter than previously seen luminance (negative catch trials). |
Total number of stimuli that were not seen by the patient but were previously seen at a lower luminance earlier in the visual field test (false negatives). |
Estimated percentage of all stimuli that were not seen by the patient but were previously seen at a lower luminance earlier in the visual field test (false negative responses), as percent. Required if False Negatives Estimate Flag (0024,0045) is YES. |
Whether the device was able to determine excessive false negatives. |
The false negative estimate is outside of implementation-specific limits. Required if Excessive False Negatives Data Flag (0024,0051) is YES. |
The total number of times the device behaved as if it was going to present a visual stimulus but did not actually present the stimulus (positive catch trials). |
The total number of patient responses that occurred at a time when no visual stimulus was present (false positive responses). |
Estimated percentage of all patient responses that occurred at a time when no visual stimulus was present (false positive responses), as percent. Required if False Positives Estimate Flag (0024,0053) is YES. |
Whether the device was able to determine excessive false positives. |
The false positive estimate is outside of implementation-specific limit. Required if Excessive False Positives Data Flag (0024,0061) is YES. |
Total number of times in the course of a visual field exam that any location had to be retested at the same magnitude. |
Vendor implementation specific text to provide an analysis and/or summary of patient reliability indicator/indices. |
Operator's (test administrator) subjective comment on patient's performance. |
Information about various visual field indices related to test reliability. |
>Include Table C.8.26.3-2 “Ophthalmic Visual Field Global Index Macro Attributes” |
Table C.8.26.3-2 specifies the Attributes of the Ophthalmic Visual Field Global Index Macro.
Table C.8.26.3-2. Ophthalmic Visual Field Global Index Macro Attributes
Value Type (0040,A040) shall be NUMERIC or CODE. Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) DCID 4257 “Visual Field Global Index Name”. Concept Code Sequence (0040,A168) DCID 4254 “Visual Field Static Perimetry Test Analysis Result”. |
Probability value and software algorithm used to provide the index. |
Probability for the index value within the normal population, in percent. |
>Include Table 10-19 “Algorithm Identification Macro Attributes” |
DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |