DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C. specifies the Attributes of the Breast Tomosynthesis Acquisition Module.
Table C. Breast Tomosynthesis Acquisition Module Attributes
Each Item represents an acquisition context related to one or more reconstructions. The values of Acquisition Index (0020,9518) may be used as index in this Sequence. |
>Include Table C. “X-Ray 3D General Shared Acquisition Macro Attributes” |
>Include Table C. “X-Ray 3D General Positioner Movement Macro Attributes” |
Distance in mm from source to detector center on the chest wall line. Note
Distance in mm from source to the breast support side that is closest to the Imaging Subject, as measured along the X-Ray beam vector. Note
Ratio of Source Image Receptor Distance (SID) over Source Object Distance (SOD). |
The average thickness in mm of the body part examined when compressed, if compression has been applied during exposure. |
Text description of the mechanism of exposure control. May describe the number and type of exposure sensors or position of the sensitive area of the imaging detector. |
The thickness of Aluminum in mm required to reduce the X-Ray Output (0040,0312) by a factor of two. |
Organ dose value measured in dGy representing the collective total for all acquired frames described in this Sequence Item. |
Entrance dose value measured in mGy at the surface of the patient representing the collective total for all acquired frames described in this Sequence Item. |
Describes what type of dose is represented by the values of Entrance Dose in mGy (0040,8302). Enumerated Values:
Only meaningful if Entrance Dose in mGy (0040,8302) is present. |
Nominal focal spot size in mm used to acquire the projection images. |
Number of active detectors used to generate a single pixel. Specified as number of row detectors per pixel then column. Required if detector binning was applied to the projection images. |
Type of filter(s) inserted into the X-Ray beam (e.g., wedges). See Attribute Description in Section C.8.7.10 for Defined Terms. |
The X-Ray absorbing material used in the filter. May be multi-valued. See Annex P “Correspondence of X-Ray Filter Material Codes and Defined Terms” in PS3.16 for Defined Terms. |
See Attribute Description in Section C.8.7.10. |
See Attribute Description in Section C.8.7.10. |
See Attribute Description in Section C.8.7.10. |
See Attribute Description in Section C.8.7.10. |
The compression force applied to the body part during exposure, measured in Newtons. |
The average compression pressure applied to the body part during exposure, calculated in kPa. |
The area of the body part to which compression has been applied during exposure, measured in mm2. |
Description of the compression paddle, if compression was applied to the body part during exposure. |
Sequence containing detailed acquisition context of each individual projection used in this acquisition context. |
>>Include Table C. “X-Ray 3D General Per Projection Acquisition Macro Attributes” |
Signed position in degrees of the X-Ray beam vector in the coronal anatomical plane as if the patient were standing facing the equipment where vertical is zero. |
The interpretation of the sign of the Positioner Primary Angle (0018,1510). Enumerated Values:
See Section C. |
Position in degrees of the X-Ray beam vector in the sagittal anatomical plane as if the patient were standing where movement of the X-Ray source from anterior to posterior is positive, and vertical is zero. Required if secondary positioner was used during acquisition. |
Duration of X-Ray exposure in milliseconds. See Section C. |
The exposure expressed in milliampereseconds, for example calculated from Exposure Time and X-Ray Tube Current. |
Indication of the applied dose, in manufacturer specific units. Note
Average entrance dose value measured in mGy at the surface of the patient during the acquisition of this projection image. |
Describes what type of dose is represented by the values of Entrance Dose in mGy (0040,8302). Enumerated Values:
Only meaningful if Entrance Dose in mGy (0040,8302) is present. |
Unique identification of the irradiation event(s) associated with the acquisition of this image. |
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |