DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.8.17.18 Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Series Module

Table C.8.17.18-1 specifies the Attributes of the Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Series Module, which identify and describe general information about the Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Series.

Table C.8.17.18-1. Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Series Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description




Type of device, process or method that originally acquired the data used to create the images in this Series.

Enumerated Values:


See Section C. for further explanation.

Series Number



A number that identifies this Series.

Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence



Uniquely identifies the Performed Procedure Step SOP Instance to which the Series is related.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if a Performed Procedure Step SOP Class was involved in the creation of this Series.

>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions