DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.8.14.5 MR Spectroscopy Description Macro

Table C.8-107 specifies the Attributes of the MR Spectroscopy Description Macro, which describe the Spectroscopy.

Table C.8-107. MR Spectroscopy Description Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Volumetric Properties



Indication if geometric manipulations are possible with frames in the SOP Instance. See Section C. for a description and Enumerated Values.

Volume Based Calculation Technique



Method used for volume calculations with frames in the SOP Instance. See Section C. for a description and Defined Terms.

Complex Image Component



Representation of complex data of frames in the SOP Instance. See Section C. for a description and Defined Terms.

Acquisition Contrast



Indication of acquisition contrast used with frames in the SOP Instance. See Section C. for a description and Defined Terms.

C. MR Spectroscopy Description Attribute Description
C. Image Type and Frame Type

Image Type (0008,0008) and Frame Type (0008,9007) are not included in this Macro but one or the other is always included in the Module or Macro that invokes this Macro, and they are therefore described here.

In addition to the requirements specified in Section C.8.16.1 Image Type and Frame Type, the following additional requirements and Defined Terms are specified.

C. Pixel Data Characteristics

See Section C. No additional requirements or Defined Terms.

C. Patient Examination Characteristics

See Section C. No additional requirements or Defined Terms.

C. Image Flavor

See Section C. for requirements, but not Defined Terms.

Table C.8-108 specifies the Defined Terms for MR Spectroscopy for Value 3 for Image Type (0008,0008) and Frame Type (0008,9007).

Table C.8-108. MR Spectroscopy Image Type and Frame Type Value 3

Defined Term Name

Defined Term Description



C. Derived Pixel Contrast

See Section C. for requirements, but not Defined Terms.

Table C.8-109 specifies the Defined Terms for Value 4 for Image Type (0008,0008) and Frame Type (0008,9007).

Table C.8-109. MR Spectroscopy Image Type and Frame Type Value 4

Defined Term Name

Defined Term Description


Created through point by point addition operation.


Created through point by point division operation.


Created through point by point maximum operation.


Created through point by point mean operation.


Created through point by point minimum operation.


Created through point by point multiplication operation.


Standard Deviation.


Created through point by point subtraction operation.


Not calculated.


Used only as value in Image Type (0008,0008) if frames within the spectroscopy SOP Instance contain different values for value 4 in their Frame Type (0008,9007) Attribute.

C. Volumetric Properties

See Section C. No additional requirements or Defined Terms.

C. Volume Based Calculation Technique Attribute

See Section C. for requirements, but not Defined Terms.

Table C.8-110 specifies the Defined Terms for the Volume Based Calculation Technique (0008,9207) Attribute.

Table C.8-110. Volume Based Calculation Technique Attribute Values

Defined Term Name

Defined Term Description


Maximum Intensity Projection.


Minimum Intensity Projection.


Pixels not derived geometrically.


Used only as a value in Volume Based Calculation Technique (0008,9207) Attribute in the MR Spectroscopy Module if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different terms for the Volume Based Calculation Technique Attribute in MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Functional Group.

C. Complex Image Component

The value of Complex Image Component (0008,9208) Attribute shall be used to indicate which component of the complex representation of the signal is represented in the spectroscopy data.

Table C.8-111 specifies the Defined Terms for Complex Image Component (0008,9208).

Table C.8-111. Complex Image Component Attribute Values

Defined Term Name

Defined Term Description


The magnitude component of the complex spectroscopy data.


The phase component of the complex spectroscopy data.


The real component of the complex spectroscopy data.


The imaginary component of the complex spectroscopy data.


The real and imaginary components of the complex spectroscopy data.


Used only as a value in Complex Image Component (0008,9208) in the MR Spectroscopy Module if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different values for the Complex Image Component Attribute in the MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Functional Group.

C. Acquisition Contrast

Table C.8-112 specifies the Defined Terms for Acquisition Contrast (0008,9209).

Table C.8-112. Acquisition Contrast Values

Defined Term Name

Defined Term Description


Proton Density weighted contrast.


T1 weighted contrast.


T2 weighted contrast.


Value should be UNKNOWN if acquisition contrasts were combined resulting in an unknown contrast. Also this value should be used when the contrast is not known.


Used only as a value in Acquisition Contrast (0008,9209) Attribute in the MR Spectroscopy Module if frames within the SOP Instance contain different values for the Acquisition Contrast Attribute in the MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Functional Group.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions