DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.7.6.15 Bitmap Display Shutter Module

The Bitmap Display Shutter is a bitmap that defines an arbitrary shape that may be applied on the image for presentation purposes in order to neutralize the display of any of the pixels defined in the bitmap.

The manner in which the display area is neutralized (black-out, gray, or other means) is defined by the Attribute Shutter Presentation Value (0018,1622).

The bitmap is specified as a reference to an instance of the Overlay Plane Module Section C.9.2. The referenced Overlay is specialized such that:

Overlay Rows (60xx,0010) and Overlay Columns (60xx,0011) shall be the same as Rows (0028,0010) and Columns (0028,0011) in the image respectively.

A value of 1 in Overlay Data (60xx,3000) shall indicate a pixel to which the shutter is applied, i.e., replaced with Shutter Presentation Value (0018,1622).

The Overlay specified in this Attribute shall not be activated (used as a conventional overlay) by the Overlay Activation Module Section C.11.7.

Table C.7.6.15-1. Bitmap Display Shutter Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Shutter Shape



Shape of the shutter defined for display.

Enumerated Values:


This Attribute shall contain one Value.

Shutter Overlay Group



Specifies the Group (60xx) of an Overlay stored within the Presentation State IOD that contains the bitmap data, as defined in the Overlay Plane Module Section C.9.2.

Shutter Presentation Value



A single gray unsigned value used to replace those parts of the image occluded by the shutter, when rendered on a monochrome display. The units are specified in P-Values, from a minimum of 0000H (black) up to a maximum of FFFFH (white).


The maximum P-Value for this Attribute may be different from the maximum P-Value from the output of the Presentation LUT, which may be less than 16 bits in depth.

Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to replace those parts of the image occluded by the shutter, when rendered on a color display. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions