DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.36.27 Enhanced RT Image Module

Table C.36.27-1 contains IOD Attributes that describe an Enhanced RT Image.

Table C.36.27-1. Enhanced RT Image Module Attributes

Attribute Name




Include Table 10.32-1 “Entity Long Labeling Macro Attributes”

Image Type



Image characteristics. See Section C.8.16.1 and Section C.

Treatment Session UID



A unique identifier of the Treatment Session to which this Instance belongs.

Start Cumulative Meterset



The value of the Cumulative Meterset when the acquisition of the first frame started.

Required if the image was acquired while therapeutic radiation was applied. May be present otherwise.

The units are specified by Radiation Dosimeter Unit Sequence (300A,0658).

Stop Cumulative Meterset



The value of the Cumulative Meterset when the acquisition of the last frame was finished.

Required if the image was acquired while therapeutic radiation was applied. May be present otherwise.

The units are specified by Radiation Dosimeter Unit Sequence (300A,0658).

Radiation Dosimeter Unit Sequence



Measurement units of the delivery device dosimeter.

Required if Start Cumulative Meterset (3002,0106) or Stop Cumulative Meterset (3002,0107) is present in this Module or in a Functional Group Macro of the current SOP Instance and has a value.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 9269 “RT Radiation Meterset Units”.

Exposure Time in µS



Cumulative X-Ray exposure time in µsec summed across all frames in this SOP Instance.

Include Table C. “RT Treatment Position Macro Attributes”

C.36.27.1 Enhanced RT Image Module Attribute Descriptions

C. Image Type and Frame Type

Image Type (0008,0008) and associated Attributes provide a high level description of a multi-frame SOP Instance. Image Type contains the highest level summary of what is in the SOP Instance.

Frame Type (0008,9007) mirrors the corresponding Image Type Attribute and applies to the frame level rather than to the image level.

If more than one value is used by the set of frames for a given Frame Type (0008,9007) Attribute value or associated Attribute value then the corresponding value of Image Type (0008,0008) or associated Attribute shall contain a value of MIXED. This indicates that a mixed set of values exists within the multi-frame SOP Instance.

The value MIXED shall only be used in Image Type (0008,0008) when the corresponding values for the individual frames are not equal. When a value of an Attribute is equal for all frames, the same value shall be used for the corresponding value of Image Type (0008,0008).

The 2ndvalue of Image Type and Frame Type shall be PRIMARY.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions