DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions

C.36.2.4 RT Second Generation Imaging Macros

C. RT Projection Imaging Request Geometry Macro

The RT Projection Imaging Request Geometry Macro describes the location of the imaging source and image receptor to be used for acquisition.

Table C. RT Projection Imaging Request Geometry Macro Attributes

Attribute Name




Imaging Source Location Specification Type



The method of specifying the location and orientation of the imaging source.

Enumerated Values:


Specified using absolute values represented by matrices describing the Imaging Source Coordinate System with respect to the Equipment Frame of Reference.


Specified using absolute values for native parameters of a specific device.


Specified using values for native parameters relative to the values referenced in Referenced Baseline Parameters RT Radiation Instance Sequence (3002,011E).

Imaging Device Location Matrix Sequence



Parameters describing the location of the Imaging Source and the Image Receptor by the means of matrices.

Required if Imaging Source Location Specification Type (3002,0111) is present and has a value of ABSOLUTE_MATRIX.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table C. “Matrix-based RT Imaging Geometry Macro Attributes”

Imaging Device Location Parameter Sequence



Parameters describing the location and orientation of the image receptor by the means of parameters.

Required if Imaging Source Location Specification Type (3002,0111) is present and has a value of ABSOLUTE_PARAMS or RELATIVE_PARAMS.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

See Section C.

>Referenced Radiation RT Control Point Index



Index of the RT Control Point of the RT Radiation SOP Instance referenced in the Referenced Baseline Parameters RT Radiation Instance Sequence (3002,011E) which defines the values against which the relative values have to be applied.

Required if Imaging Source Location Specification Type (3002,0111) has a value of RELATIVE_PARAMS.

>Include Table C. “Parameterized RT Imaging Geometry Macro Attributes”

C. RT Projection Imaging Request Geometry Macro Attribute Descriptions
C. Imaging Device Location Parameter Sequence

If Imaging Source Location Specification Type (3002,0111) has a value of ABSOLUTE_PARAMS the parameters have to be applied as is.

If Imaging Source Location Specification Type (3002,0111) has a value of RELATIVE_PARAMS the parameters represent delta values between the parameters of the referenced RT Control Point in Radiation SOP Instance referenced in the Referenced Baseline Parameters RT Radiation Instance Sequence (3002,011E). Only those parameters whose value is not zero shall be included in the Imaging Device Location Parameter Sequence (3002,0113).

DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions