DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.34.8 Patient Positioning Module

Table C.34.8-1 specifies the Attributes of the Patient Positioning Module, which describe details about the positioning of the patient before and during the imaging procedure.

Table C.34.8-1. Patient Positioning Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Protocol Defined Patient Position



Patient position relative to the equipment described by the procedure protocol.

See Section C. for Defined Terms and further explanation.

Patient Positioning Instruction Sequence



Instructions for positioning and aligning the patient for the procedure. E.g., aligning an anatomical landmark with laser crosshairs.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

The precise correlation between positioning and scan elements is to be described in the Instruction Text if necessary.

>Instruction Index



Identifies the order in which instruction Sequence Items are presented/performed.

The value shall be an integer, increasing monotonically by 1, starting from 1.

>Instruction Text



A displayable string explaining what should be done.

>Instruction Description



A detailed description explaining what should be done.

>Instruction Performed Flag



Whether or not this instruction was performed.

Required if the value of SOP Class UID (0008,0016) equals one of the following values:

  • 1.2.840.10008. (CT Performed Procedure Protocol Storage)

  • 1.2.840.10008. (XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage)

Enumerated Values:



>Instruction Performed DateTime



Date and time the instruction was performed.

Required if Instruction Performed Flag (0018,9918) is present with a value of YES.

Positioning Method Code Sequence



Identifies the method for positioning the patient.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

See Section C.34.8.1.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 1015 “Patient Alignment Method”.

Positioning Landmark Sequence



A coded location identifying the intended landmark used as the basis for positioning.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

See Section C.34.8.1.

>Include Table 10.27-1 “Reference Location Macro Attributes”

BCID 1000 “CT Transverse Plane Reference Basis” for Reference Basis Code Sequence (0018,9902)

BCID 1010 “Reference Geometry - Plane” for Reference Geometry Code Sequence (0018,9903)

Target Frame of Reference UID



UID of the Frame of Reference of another data set to which the current procedure is intended to be roughly aligned.


  1. For example, in a performed protocol it may be useful to record the Frame of Reference UID used in a prior Study that was used as a reference.

  2. The Frame of Reference UID (0020,0052) in the Image Instances resulting from the performance of this protocol will likely be different than this Target Frame of Reference UID since perfect alignment is likely unachievable.

Target Position Reference Indicator



Position Reference Indicator for the Target Frame of Reference UID (0018,991E).

See Section C.34.8.1.

Anatomic Region Sequence



Identifies the general anatomic region imaged by the Protocol.

See Section C.34.8.2.

Zero or one Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 4031 “Common Anatomic Region”.

>Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence



Sequence of Items that modifies the anatomic region of interest of this Instance.

See Section C.34.8.2.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 2 “Anatomic Modifier”.

Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence



Identifies the primary anatomic structure(s) of interest in this Protocol.

Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 8134 “Anatomic Structure”.

>Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence



Sequence of Items that modifies the primary anatomic structure of interest in this Instance.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 2 “Anatomic Modifier”.

C.34.8.1 Positioning Targets

The specific method by which the referenced localizer images, photos of patient skin marks, landmarks, or frames of reference are used to position the patient, is communicated by referencing the associated code in the Positioning Method Code Sequence (0018,991C).

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions