DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.34.17-1 specifies the Attributes of the Performed XA Acquisition Module, which contain acquisition parameter values for a performed XA imaging procedure. The purpose of this Module is to record all relevant parameters, not just to record the values that were constrained in the executed Defined Protocol (if any).
This Module contains Attributes that are "set" on the machine, e.g., to affect its behavior, but not those that describe the results. The latter may be found in the acquired images.
The acquisition parameters for an XA imaging system are those involved in the creation of the 2D ORIGINAL pixel data. They include two different activities: the control of the X-Ray generation and beam formation to obtain the output signal from the X-Ray detector (so-called raw data), and the linear and image-independent corrections of the raw data.
The XA Defined Acquisition Protocol is typically selected manually from the device console, although rules may exist on the device to pre-select a default protocol based on procedure type and patient characteristics. Each Protocol Element contains the parameters of one acquisition mode. For a biplane system, the parameters for both planes are contained in the same protocol element. The operator may choose which Protocol Elements are performed during the procedure.
Table C.34.17-1. Performed XA Acquisition Module Attributes
Parameter values for each Protocol Element in the acquisition protocol. Each item in the sequence describes one Element. Elements are performed in the order of their Protocol Element Number (0018,9921). See Section C.34.9.1. |
>Include Table 10.28-1 “Protocol Element Identification Macro Attributes” |
>Include Table 10.41-1 “General Procedure Protocol Reference Macro Attributes” |
Manufacturer-defined name of the acquisition mode described by this Protocol Element. |
Identifies the acquisition technique of this Protocol Element. |
Manufacturer-defined name of the dose level program (e.g. High, Medium, Low). |
Identifies that the device acquired mask images for subtraction. |
Identifies that the device has persistently kept a block of continuously acquired fluoroscopy data. Applicable if the equipment supports local storage of fluoroscopy data. See Section C.34.17.1. |
Identifies that the device has persistently kept the last image of the acquired fluoroscopy data. Applicable if the equipment supports local storage of Fluoro Last Image Hold data. See Section C.34.17.1. |
Upper limit of the number of fluoroscopy frames to be persistently kept. |
Identifies that the contrast/bolus injection was automatically controlled. |
Time delay in seconds of the injection of contrast/bolus with respect to the X-Ray start. Negative values mean that injection starts before X-Ray start. |
Whether the absorption of the contrast/bolus ingredient was greater than the absorption of water (tissue). |
Parameter values for each of the phases. Each item in the sequence describes one phase. One or more Items are permitted in this sequence. See Section C.34.17.2. |
The multiplicity of planes that could be used simultaneously during the acquisition. See Section C. |
Parameter values for each of the planes (or X-Ray beams) operating simultaneously in the Acquisition Protocol Element. Each item in the sequence describes one plane. |
Identification of the plane to which the parameters of this sequence item applies. |
Identification number of the beam. The value shall be 1 if Plane Identification (0018,9457) equals MONOPLANE or PLANE A, and shall be 2 if Plane Identification (0018,9457) equals PLANE B. |
Duration of exposure for this Acquisition Protocol Element in milliseconds. |
The exposure expressed in milliampere seconds, for example calculated from Exposure Time and X-Ray Tube Current. |
Used nominal size of the focal spot in mm. The Attribute may only have one or two values, for devices with variable focal spot, small dimension followed by large dimension. |
Manufacturer-defined name of the Field of View label displayed on the acquisition console. Each label corresponds to a FOV dimension applied during the acquisition. |
Dimensions in mm of the Field of View, that is the image pixels stored in Pixel Data (7FE0,0010). If Field of View Shape (0018,1147) is: RECTANGLE: row dimension followed by column. HEXAGONAL: diameter of the circle circumscribing the hexagon. |
Parameter values for each of the filters inserted simultaneously into the X-Ray beam. Each item in the sequence describes one filter. |
The minimum thickness in mm of the X-Ray absorbing material used in the filters. May be multi-valued, with values corresponding to the respective values in Filter Material (0018,7050). |
The maximum thickness in mm of the X-Ray absorbing material used in the filters. May be multi-valued, with values corresponding to the respective values in Filter Material (0018,7050). |
Type of filter(s) inserted into the X-Ray beam (e.g., wedges). |
The X-Ray absorbing material used in the filter. May be multi-valued. See Annex P “Correspondence of X-Ray Filter Material Codes and Defined Terms” in PS3.16 for Defined Terms. |
Number of active detectors used to generate a single pixel. Specified as number of row detectors per pixel then column. |
Number of bits stored for each pixel sample in the acquired images. |
Start position of the primary positioner in degrees. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Start position of the secondary positioner in degrees. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Total amount of rotation of the primary positioner in degrees. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e. Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Total amount of rotation of the secondary positioner in degrees. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Constant increment of the primary positioner angle in degrees. Positive increment indicates an increasing value of the primary positioner angle. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Constant increment of the secondary positioner angle in degrees. Positive increment indicates an increasing value of the secondary positioner angle. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Distance from source to receptor plane perpendicular to the receptor plane in mm. Applicable only to protocol elements for rotational acquisitions, i.e., Scan Options (0018,0022) equals ROTA. |
Text that is intended to be copied into the Series Description (0008,103E) of the images resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. |
A code that is intended to be copied into the Series Description Code Sequence (0008,103F) of the images resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. |
Content Qualification Indicator of instances resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. See Section C.34.18.2. |
An XA device acquires fluoroscopy to be primarily displayed in real time during image-guided procedures.
Fluoroscopy Persistence means that the fluoroscopy pixel data is not discarded immetiately after the acquisition, but rather it is kept locally on the acquisition device for further use, either to be reviewed, processed, stored on media and/or transmitted as DICOM instances to another DICOM device.
The Attributes Fluoroscopy Persistence Flag (0018,11B3) and Fluoroscopy Last Image Hold Persistence Flag (0018,11B4) do not suggest or assume any further use of the data other than the local storage on the acquisition device. The workflows related to the presentation, processing or transmission of Fluoroscopy data is handled outside the Acquisition Protocols.
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |