DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.34.10-1 specifies the Attributes of the Performed CT Acquisition Module, which contain acquisition parameter values for a performed CT imaging procedure. The purpose of this Module is to record all relevant parameters, not just to record the values that were constrained in the executed Defined Protocol (if any).
This Module contains Attributes that are "set" on the machine, e.g., to affect its behavior, but not those that describe the results. The latter may be found in the reconstructed images.
Table C.34.10-1. Performed CT Acquisition Module Attributes
Parameter values for each Protocol Element in the acquisition protocol. Each Item in the Sequence describes one Element. Elements are performed in the order of their Protocol Element Number (0018,9921). See Section C.34.9.1. |
>Include Table 10.28-1 “Protocol Element Identification Macro Attributes” |
Description of the method used during acquisition. See Section C. for Defined Terms. |
The constant angle at which the X-Ray source is located during acquisition. 0 degrees means that the source is located at the highest point of the gantry orbit. Degrees increase from 0 to positive 360 in a clockwise direction as viewed when facing the gantry where the table enters the gantry. |
Identifies that the acquisition was performed by repetitively acquiring the same volume set over a period of time. |
Identifies that near real-time display of a block of continuously acquired data was performed. |
The time in seconds of a complete revolution of the source around the gantry orbit. This value is independent of the Reconstruction Angle (0018,9319) of the frame. Required if Acquisition Type (0018,9302) is other than CONSTANT_ANGLE. |
The width of the total collimation (in mm) over the area of active X-Ray detection. |
The distance in mm from the top of the patient table to the center of rotation of the source (i.e., the data collection center or isocenter). The distance is positive when the table is below the data collection center. |
Nominal angle of tilt in degrees of the scanning gantry. Not intended for mathematical computations. Zero degrees means the gantry is not tilted, negative degrees are when the top of the gantry is tilted away from where the table enters the gantry. |
The distance in mm that the table moves in one second during the gathering of data. Table motion is relative to the gantry frame of reference, thus if the gantry is moving, the distance value represents the net motion. This Attribute also applies to patient support equipment other than tables. |
Motion of the table (in mm) during a complete revolution of the source around the gantry orbit. Table motion is relative to the gantry frame of reference, thus if the gantry is moving, the feed value represents the net motion. This Attribute also applies to patient support equipment other than tables. |
Ratio of the Table Feed per Rotation (0018,9310) to the Total Collimation Width (0018,9307). |
Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol), in mGy according to [IEC 60601-2-44]. The CTDIvol describes the average CTDIvol for this Acquisition Protocol Element for the selected CT conditions of operation. Required if Acquisition Type (0018,9302) is not CONSTANT_ANGLE. May be present otherwise. |
The type of phantom used for CTDI measurement according to [IEC 60601-2-44]. |
The threshold for the CTDIvol value, in mGy, at which a dose notification is triggered for this Acquisition Protocol Element. See Section C.34.10.2. |
The threshold for the DLP value, in mGy.cm, at which a dose notification is triggered for this Acquisition Protocol Element. See Section C.34.10.2. |
See Section C.34.10.1. Defined Terms: The value of NOT_IMPORTANT is not permitted in the Performed Procedure Protocol IOD. |
Anatomically oriented transverse location where this acquisition starts. Note
>>Include Table 10.27-1 “Reference Location Macro Attributes” |
BCID 1000 “CT Transverse Plane Reference Basis” for Reference Basis Code Sequence (0018,9902) BCID 1010 “Reference Geometry - Plane” for Reference Geometry Code Sequence (0018,9903) |
Anatomically oriented transverse location where this acquisition ends. Note
>>Include Table 10.27-1 “Reference Location Macro Attributes” |
BCID 1000 “CT Transverse Plane Reference Basis” for Reference Basis Code Sequence (0018,9902) BCID 1010 “Reference Geometry - Plane” for Reference Geometry Code Sequence (0018,9903) |
Parameter values for each of the X-Ray beams in the Acquisition Protocol Element. Each Item in the Sequence describes one X-Ray beam. See Section C.34.10.3. |
Duration of exposure for this Acquisition Protocol Element in milliseconds. If Acquisition Type (0018,9302) equals SPIRAL the duration of exposure shall be weighted by the Spiral Pitch Factor (0018,9311). |
The exposure expressed in milliampere seconds, for example calculated from exposure time and X-Ray tube current. |
A multi-valued label describing the type of current modulation used for the purpose of limiting the dose. |
Used nominal size of the focal spot in mm. The Attribute may only have one or two values, for devices with variable focal spot, small dimension followed by large dimension. |
The diameter in mm of the region over which data were collected. See Section C. |
Cardiac synchronization technique applied during acquisition or processing. See Section C. |
Source of cardiac synchronization signal. Required if Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037) equals other than NONE. |
R-R interval in ms measured prior to or during the scan. Required if Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037) equals other than NONE. |
Cardiac arrhythmia rejection technique. Defined Terms: Required if Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037) equals PROSPECTIVE or RETROSPECTIVE. |
R-R interval low limit for beat rejection, in ms. Required if Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037) equals PROSPECTIVE or RETROSPECTIVE. |
R-R interval high limit for beat rejection, in ms. Required if Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037) equals PROSPECTIVE or RETROSPECTIVE. |
Number of beats prescribed to be skipped after each detected arrhythmia. |
See Section C. for description and Defined Terms. Required if type of framing is not time forward from trigger, may be present otherwise. |
Technique to reduce respiratory motion artifacts. See Section C. |
Signal source from which respiratory motion is derived. Required if Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique (0018,9170) equals other than NONE or BREATH_HOLD. May be present otherwise. |
Respiratory trigger threshold in percent of the chest expansion for the frame relative to the last Respiratory-Peak. See Section C. for further explanation. Required if Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique (0018,9170) equals other than NONE, REALTIME or BREATH_HOLD. May be present otherwise. |
Characteristic of the respiratory signal used to the define the respiratory triggering. Required if the value is not TIME. May be present otherwise. |
Requested text to copy into the Series Description(0008,103E) of raw Instances resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. |
A code that is intended to be copied into the Series Description Code Sequence (0008,103F) of instances resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. |
Content Qualification Indicator of Instances resulting from this Acquisition Protocol Element. See Section C.34.12.1. |
The motion, in patient terms, during acquisition progression. For example, due to the direction of contrast propagation or the need to manage equipment connected to the patient, it may be helpful to specify the acquisition progress in the expected direction of contrast propagation.
A scan that shuttles back and forth can be encoded as multiple elements and each specifies the Start Location and the End Location. Alternatively, a scanner may provide the ability to shuttle in a single scan element, in which case this value indicates the initial direction of motion and further details about the shuttling are likely contained in Private Attributes.
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |