DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.31-3 specifies the Attributes used to convey the parameters used in external verification of a radiotherapy ion treatment delivery.
Table C.31-3. RT Ion Machine Verification Module Attributes
The specified speed of delivery of the specified dose in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3) in referenced RT Plan per minute. |
Beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) positions. |
Type of beam limiting device (collimator). The value of this Attribute shall correspond to RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8) defined in an Item of Beam Limiting Device Sequence (300A,00B6) Enumerated Values: |
Positions of beam limiting device (collimator) leaf (element) or jaw pairs in mm in the IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate axis appropriate to RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8), e.g., X-axis for MLCX, Y-axis for MLCY. Contains 2N values, where N is the Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs (300A,00BC) in Beam Limiting Device Sequence (300A,00B6). Values shall be listed in the IEC leaf (element) subscript order 101, 102, … 1N, 201, 202, … 2N. |
Gantry angle of radiation source in degrees, i.e., orientation of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to the IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system. |
Direction of Gantry Rotation when viewing gantry from isocenter, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. |
Beam Limiting Device angle in degrees, i.e., orientation of the IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to the IEC GANTRY coordinate system. |
Direction of Beam Limiting Device Rotation when viewing beam limiting device (collimator) from radiation source, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. |
Patient Support angle in degrees, i.e., orientation of the IEC PATIENT SUPPORT (turntable) coordinate system with respect to the IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system. |
Direction of Patient Support Rotation when viewing table from above, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. |
Table Top Vertical position in mm in the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system. See Section C. |
Table Top Longitudinal position in mm in the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system. See Section C. |
Table Top Lateral position in mm in the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system. See Section C. |
Table Top Pitch Angle in degrees, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Pitch Rotation when viewing the table along the positive X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. and Section C. |
Table Top Roll Angle in degrees, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Roll Rotation when viewing the table along the positive Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. and Section C. |
Angle in degrees of the head fixation for eye treatments with respect to the Table Top Pitch Angle (300A,0140) coordinate system. Positive head fixation angle is the same direction as positive Table Top Pitch. See Section C. |
Gantry Pitch Angle in degrees of the radiation source, i.e., the rotation of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system. See Section C. |
Direction of Gantry Pitch Angle when viewing along the positive X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. See Section C. and Section C. |
Axial position in mm of the snout, measured from isocenter to the downstream side of the snout (without consideration of variable length elements such as blocks, MLC and/or compensators). |
Specifies the presence or thickness of the range shifter. The specific encoding of this value is machine specific and shall be documented in a Conformance Statement. See Section C. |
Uniquely references Range Shifter described by Range Shifter Number (300A,0316) in Range Shifter Sequence (300A,0314). |
Lateral Spreading Device settings for the current control point. |
Specifies the presence or characteristics of the lateral spreading device. The specific encoding of this value is machine specific and shall be documented in a Conformance Statement. See Section C. |
Uniquely references Lateral Spreading Device described by Lateral Spreading Device Number (300A,0334) in Lateral Spreading Device Sequence (300A,0332). |
Start position, defining the range modulator position at which the beam is switched on. |
Stop position, defining the range modulator position at which the beam is switched off. |
Uniquely references Range Modulator described by Range Modulator Number (300A,0344) in Range Modulator Sequence (300A,0342). |
Closest distance in mm from the central axis of the beam along a wedge axis to the thin edge as projected to the machine isocentric plane. Value is positive is the wedge does not cover the central axis, negative if it does. See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Control Point specified by Control Point Index (300A,0112 within the Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Uniquely identifies range shifter specified by Range Shifter Number (300A,0316) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
User or machine supplied identifier for Lateral Spreading Device. |
Uniquely identifies lateral spreading device specified by Lateral Spreading Device Number (300A,0334) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
See Section C.31.3.1 for Defined Terms. |
User-supplied identifier for the beam current modulation pattern. |
Uniquely references Range Modulator described by Range Modulator Number (300A,0344) in Range Modulator Sequence (300A,0342). |
Number of lateral spreading devices associated with current beam. |
See Section C. |
User-specified identifier for manufacturer specific patient support devices. |
A Patient Support accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Azimuthal angle in degrees of the fixation light coordinate around the IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE Y-axis. Used for eye treatments. See Section C. |
Polar angle in degrees of the fixation light coordinate. Used for eye treatments. See Section C. |
Defined Terms:
Fixed modulation width and weights using ridge filter or constant speed wheel with constant beam current.
Selected wheel/track (Range Modulator ID) is spinning at constant speed. Modulation width is adjusted by switching constant beam current on and off at wheel steps indicated by Range Modulator Interrupt Values.
Selected wheel/track (Range Modulator ID) is spinning at constant speed. Weight per wheel step is adjusted by modulating beam current according to selected Beam Current Modulation ID (300A,034C).
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |