DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.2.3 Patient Demographic Module

Table C.2-3 specifies the Attributes of the Patient Demographic Module, which generally describe the Patient at a specific point in time, e.g., at the time of admission.

Table C.2-3. Patient Demographic Module Attributes

Attribute Name


Attribute Description

Patient's Age


Age of the Patient.



Occupation of the Patient.

Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description


Special indication to the modality operator about confidentiality of Patient information (e.g., that he should not use the Patient's name where other patients are present).

Patient's Birth Date


Date of birth of the named Patient.

Patient's Birth Time


Time of birth of the named Patient.

Patient's Sex


Sex of the named Patient.

Enumerated Values:







Quality Control Subject


Indicates whether or not the subject is a quality control phantom.

Enumerated Values:



If this Attribute is absent, then the subject may or may not be a phantom.

This Attribute describes a characteristic of the Imaging Subject. It is distinct from Quality Control Image (0028,0300) in the General Image Module, which is used to describe an image acquired.

Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence


A Sequence that conveys the Patient's insurance plan. Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

No Baseline CID is defined.

Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence


The languages that can be used to communicate with the Patient.

Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The Items are ordered by preference (most preferred language to least preferred language).

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 5000 “Language”.

>Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence


A modifier for a Patient's Primary Language. Can be used to specify a national language variant.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 5001 “Country”.

Patient's Size


Patient's height or length in meters.

Patient's Weight


Weight of the Patient in kilograms.

Patient's Size Code Sequence


Patient's size category code

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 7039 “Pediatric Size Category” for pediatric patients.

Patient's Address


Legal address of the named Patient.

Military Rank


Military rank of Patient.

Branch of Service


Branch of the military. The country allegiance may also be included (e.g., U.S. Army).

Country of Residence


Country in which Patient currently resides.

Region of Residence


Region within Patient's country of residence.

Patient's Telephone Numbers


Telephone numbers at which the Patient can be reached.

Patient's Telecom Information


The Patient's personal telecommunication contact information, including telephone, email, or other telecom addresses.


  1. This Attribute may have internal format or structure in accordance with local agreement or profile.

  2. It is recommended that this Attribute be treated as equivalent to HL7v2 fields PID-13 and PID-14, or PID-40 (v2.7 and later), and be formatted in accordance with the HL7v2 XTN data type (without escapes for HL7 message structure reserved characters).

Ethnic Group


Ethnic group or race of Patient.

Ethnic Group Code Sequence


Ethnic group or race of Patient.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 6099 “Racial Group”.

Patient's Religious Preference


The religious preference of the Patient.

Patient Comments


User-defined comments about the Patient.

Responsible Person


Name of person with medical or welfare decision making authority for the Patient.

Responsible Person Role


Relationship of Responsible Person to the Patient.

See Section C. for Defined Terms.

Responsible Organization


Name of organization with medical or welfare decision making authority for the Patient.

Patient Species Description


The taxonomic rank value (e.g., genus, subgenus, species or subspecies) of the Patient. See Section C.

Patient Species Code Sequence


The taxonomic rank value (e.g., genus, subgenus, species or subspecies) of the Patient. See Section C.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 7454 “Animal Taxonomic Rank Value”.

Patient Breed Description


The breed of the Patient. See Section C.

Patient Breed Code Sequence


The breed of the Patient. See Section C.

Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 7480 “Breed”.

Breed Registration Sequence


Information identifying a non-human organism within a breed registry.

Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Breed Registration Number


Identification number of a non-human organism within the registry.

>Breed Registry Code Sequence


Identification of the organization with which a non-human organism is registered.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 7481 “Breed Registry”.

Strain Description


The strain of the Patient. See Section C.

Strain Nomenclature


The nomenclature used for Strain Description (0010,0212). See Section C.

Strain Code Sequence


A coded identification of the strain of the Patient. See Section C.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence. If more than one Item is present, each Item represents the same information but encoded using a different coding scheme (rather than post-coordinated modifiers).

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

No Baseline CID is defined.

Strain Additional Information


Additional information about the strain of the Patient that is not encoded in the formal nomenclature used in Strain Description (0010,0212). See Section C.

Strain Stock Sequence


Information identifying a non-human organism within a strain stock.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

>Strain Stock Number


The stock number of the strain of the Patient issued by the organization identified by Strain Source (0010,0217). See Section C.

>Strain Source


Identification of the organization that is the source of the non-human organism, issued by the registry identified by Strain Source Registry Code Sequence (0010,0215). See Section C.

>Strain Source Registry Code Sequence


Identification of the organization that is the registry of sources of non-human organisms. See Section C.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 7490 “Research Animal Source Registry”.

Genetic Modifications Sequence


The genetic modifications of the Patient.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

See Section C.

>Genetic Modifications Description


The genetic modifications of the Patient described using a specific nomenclature.

>Genetic Modifications Nomenclature


The nomenclature used for Genetic Modifications Description (0010,0222).

>Genetic Modifications Code Sequence


A coded identification of the genetic modifications of the Patient.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence. If more than one Item is present, each Item represents the same information but encoded using a different coding scheme (rather than post-coordinated modifiers).

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

No Baseline CID is defined.


The language codes specified in CID 5000 “Language”, used in Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence (0010,0101), optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the code value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a subsidiary Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence (0010,0102) is allowed for backward compatibility with previous releases of the Standard.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions