DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.17-6. Document Relationship Macro Attributes
The date and time on which this Content Item was completed. For the purpose of recording measurements or logging events, completion time is defined as the ending time of data acquisition of the measurement, or the ending time of occurrence of the event. Required if the date and time are different from Content Date (0008,0023) and Content Time (0008,0033) or Observation DateTime (0040,A032) defined in higher Items. May be present otherwise. NoteWhen Content Items are copied into successor reports, Content Date (0008,0023) and Content Time (0008,0033) of the new report are likely to be different than the date and time of the original observation. Therefore this Attribute may need to be included in any copied Content Items to satisfy the condition. |
Unique identifier for the observation Content Item (and its subsidiary Content Items, if any). The UID represents the semantic content of the observation; an encoding of the same observation with the same context into another representation (e.g., a CDA Entry) may use the same UID. |
A potentially recursively nested Sequence of Items that conveys content that is the Target of Relationships with the enclosing Source Content Item. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required if the enclosing Content Item has relationships. NoteSee Section C. for further explanation. |
The type of relationship between the (enclosing) Source Content Item and the Target Content Item. IODs specify additional constraints on Relationships (including lists of Enumerated Values). Enumerated Values: See Section C. for further explanation. |
>Include Table C.17-6 “Document Relationship Macro Attributes” if the Target Content Item is included by-value in the Source Content Item. The Macro shall not be present if the relationship is by-reference. |
>Include Table C.17-5 “Document Content Macro Attributes” if the Target Content Item is included by-value in the Source Content Item. The Macro shall not be present if the relationship is by-reference. |
An ordered set of one or more integers that uniquely identifies the Target Content Item of the relationship. The root Content Item is referenced by a single value of 1. Each subsequent integer represents an ordinal position of a Content Item in the Content Sequence (0040,A730) in which it belongs. The Referenced Content Item Identifier is the set of these ordinal positions along the by-value relationship path. The number of values in this Multi-Value Attribute is exactly the number of relationships traversed in the Content Tree plus one. Note
Required if the Target Content Item is denoted by-reference, i.e., the Document Relationship Macro and Document Content Macro are not included. |
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |