DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions

C.14 Storage Commitment Module

Table C.14-1 defines the Attributes for referencing SOP Instances that are contained in a Storage Commitment Request/Response.

Table C.14-1. Storage Commitment Module Attributes

Attribute Name


Attribute Description

Transaction UID


Uniquely identifies this Storage Commitment transaction.

Retrieve AE Title


Application Entity Title where the SOP Instance(s) may be retrieved via a network based retrieve service.

Storage Media File-Set ID


User or implementation specific human readable identification of a Storage Media on which the SOP Instances reside.

Storage Media File-Set UID


Uniquely identifies a Storage Media on which the SOP Instances reside.

Referenced SOP Sequence


A Sequence of Items where each Item references a single SOP Instance for which storage commitment is requested / or has been provided.

>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Retrieve AE Title


Application Entity Title from which the SOP Instance may be retrieved via a network based retrieve service.

>Storage Media File-Set ID


The user or implementation specific human readable identifier that identifies a Storage Media on which this SOP Instance resides.

>Storage Media File-Set UID


Uniquely identifies a Storage Media on which this SOP Instance resides.

Failed SOP Sequence


A Sequence of Items where each Item references a single SOP Instance for which storage commitment could not be provided.

>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Failure Reason


The reason that storage commitment could not be provided for this SOP Instance.

See Section C.14.1.1.


  1. Conditions under which Attributes are required (i.e., Retrieve AE Title, etc.) are defined in the Storage Commitment Service Class in PS3.4.

  2. Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence (0008,1111) was included in this Module in earlier versions, but its use here has been retired. See PS3.4-2001, in which the Attribute was formerly known as Referenced Study Component Sequence.

C.14.1 Storage Commitment Attribute Description

C.14.1.1 Failure Reason

The following values and semantics shall be used for Failure Reason (0008,1197):

Enumerated Values:


Processing failure

A general failure in processing the operation was encountered.


No such object instance

The specified SOP Instance was not available.


Resource limitation

The SCP does not currently have enough resources to store the requested SOP Instance(s).


Referenced SOP Class not supported

The specified SOP Class is not supported by the SCP.


Class/Instance conflict

The specified SOP Class of the given SOP Instance did not correspond to the SOP class registered for this SOP Instance at the SCP.


Duplicate transaction UID

The Transaction UID of the Storage Commitment Request is already in use.

DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions