DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.11.17 Structured Display Image Box Module

Table C.11.17-1 specifies the Attributes of the Structured Display Image Box Module.

Table C.11.17-1. Structured Display Image Box Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Structured Display Image Box Sequence



The image display boxes defined in the display environment, together with the reference to the image to be displayed in each Image Box.

One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Display Environment Spatial Position



Exactly four dimensionless floating point values, in the range 0.0 to 1.0, indicating the rectangular coordinate position of the Image Box within the Display Environment.


For the Basic Structured Display with a single screen, the Display Environment is coextensive with the screen defined in the Nominal Screen Definition Sequence (0072,0102).

See Section C.

>Image Box Number



An integer that is unique across all Items of the Structured Display Image Box Sequence (0072,0422) that identifies the Image Box.

>Image Box Layout Type



Type of layout of the Image Box. The types are primarily distinguished by their interaction technique.

Defined Terms:


A scrollable array of rectangles, each containing a single frame of image pixel data.


A single rectangle containing a steppable single frame, intended for user-controlled stepping through the image set, usually via continuous device interaction (e.g., mouse scrolling) or by single stepping (mouse or button click).


A single rectangle, intended for animation where the user controls are play sequence, rate of play, and direction.


A single rectangle, intended for volumetric display.


A single rectangle, intended for animation of a volumetric view.


A single rectangle, intended for images and objects with no defined methods of interaction.


This value may also be used for non-image objects, such as waveforms and SR documents.

>Image Box Tile Horizontal Dimension



Positive integer defining the horizontal Image Box tile dimension; the number of columns.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is TILED.

>Image Box Tile Vertical Dimension



Positive integer defining the vertical Image Box tile dimension; the number of rows.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is TILED.

>Image Box Overlap Priority



If this Image Box overlaps in spatial position with others, this Attribute indicates the layer of this Image Box in relation to the others. The value shall be a positive integer in the range 1 to 100, where 1 = top and 100 = bottom. If this Attribute is not present, then the expected behavior is not defined.

>Display Set Horizontal Justification



Indicates direction in which to horizontally justify the image within an Image Box that is not the same shape (aspect ratio) as the image.

Enumerated Values:





Typically used in mammography display applications in which images from the patient's left and right are displayed "back to back", rather than centered.

>Display Set Vertical Justification



Indicates direction in which to vertically justify the image within an Image Box that is not the same shape (aspect ratio) as the image.

Enumerated Values:




>Preferred Playback Sequencing



Describes the preferred playback sequencing for the Image Box. Overrides any Preferred Playback Sequencing (0018,1244) value in the image objects being displayed.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE.

Enumerated Values:


Looping (1,2…n,1,2,…n,1,2,….n,…)


Sweeping (1,2,…n,n-1,…2,1,2,…n,…)


Stop (1,2…n)

>Recommended Display Frame Rate



Recommended rate at which the frames of a Multi-frame Image shall be displayed, in frames/second. Shall have a value greater than zero. Overrides any Recommended Display Frame Rate (0008,2144) value in the image objects being displayed.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE and if Cine Relative to Real-Time (0072,0330) is not present.

>Cine Relative to Real-Time



A positive dimensionless floating point numeric factor equal to playback rate divided by acquisition rate.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE and if Recommended Display Frame Rate (0008,2144) is not present.


The acquisition rate may change within the image object, as specified in Frame Time Vector (0018,1065).

>Initial Cine Run State



Defined Terms:



Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE.

>Start Trim



The frame number of the first frame of the Multi-frame Image to be displayed in a CINE Image Box.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE.

>Stop Trim



The Frame Number of the last frame of the Multi-frame Image to be displayed in a CINE Image Box.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is CINE.

>Referenced First Frame Sequence



Reference to the initial frame in a stack to be displayed in this image box. If value is not present, the first image frame to be displayed is not defined by the Standard.

Zero or one Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is STACK.

>>Include Table 10-3 “Image SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Referenced Image Sequence



Reference to the Image SOP Instances, or frames from Multi-frame Image SOP Instances, to be displayed in this Image Box.

Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237), Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence (0008,1134), and Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) are not present.

See Section C.

>>Include Table 10-3 “Image SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”


The order of frames identified in the Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) Attribute affects ordering in STACK Image Box Layout. See Section C.

>>Referenced Presentation State Sequence



Reference to a Softcopy Presentation State SOP Instance to be applied to the referenced image.

Only a single Item shall be permitted in this sequence.

Required if presentation controls are to be applied to the image or image frame before rendering in the Structured Display.

>>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Referenced Presentation State Sequence



Reference to a Softcopy Presentation State SOP Instance or a Volumetric Presentation State SOP Instance whose referenced images are to be displayed in the Image Box using the presentation controls of the referenced SOP Instance.

One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Multiple items are only permitted if the Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) has a value of VOLUME_CINE.

Required if Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140), Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence (0008,1134), and Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) are not present.

See Section C.

>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Referenced Instance Sequence



Reference to a non-image SOP Instance (e.g., waveform, SR, encapsulated document) whose content is to be displayed in the Image Box.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237), Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence (0008,1134), and Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140) are not present.

See Section C.

>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

>Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence



Reference to a Stereometric SOP Instance whose referenced images are to be displayed in the Image Box.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237), Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A), and Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140) are not present.

See Section C.

>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”

Image Box Synchronization Sequence



Description of synchronized display between two or more Image Boxes. Required if synchronized display is specified between Image Boxes.

One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Synchronized Image Box List



Multi-valued list of two or more Image Box Number (0072,0302) values. Indicates that the display of multiple image frames within the specified Image Boxes are synchronized.

Referenced Image Boxes shall be of same Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304).

An Image Box Number value may appear in only one Image Box Synchronization Sequence (0072,0430) Item.

>Type of Synchronization



Type of synchronization between Image Boxes.

Defined Terms:





See Section C.

C.11.17.1 Structured Display Image Box Module Attribute Descriptions

C. Display Environment Spatial Position

The Display Environment Spatial Position (0072,0108) specifies the corners of the Image Box relative to the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the Display Environment, specified as Number of Vertical Pixels (0072,0104) and Number of Horizontal Pixels (0072,0106) in the Nominal Screen Definition Sequence (0072,0102).

See also Section C.

Within the Image Box, the image (or the area of the image selected for display by the associated Presentation State SOP Instance) shall be scaled to fit the display area under the constraint that the aspect ratio of the image is maintained.

In rendering the Image Box, the Application Entity may render display controls (such as cine speed control, or stack position indication) either within or outside the specified Display Environment Spatial Position (0072,0108).

C. Referenced Image Sequence and Referenced Presentation State Sequence

Image SOP Instances, or frames from multi-frame SOP Instances, to be displayed in an Image Box may be identified either directly by the Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140), or indirectly through the Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237).

Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140) is permitted to be zero length, indicating an empty Image Box.


  1. The recommended display color for an empty Image Box is specified by Empty Image Box CIELab Value (0072,0421).

  2. When displaying a standard template such as a dental full mouth series, an empty image box may be used to indicate that the corresponding view was not taken.

If images are identified indirectly through the Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237), all of the image frames identified in the top level Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115) Attribute shall be displayed. For images identified indirectly through a Blending Presentation State SOP Instance, all the image frames for which the Blending Position (0070,0405) value is UNDERLYING shall be displayed, with the relevant SUPERIMPOSED images blended as necessary.

If images are to be displayed, the number of frames referenced for display shall be consistent with the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304). If the value of Image Box Layout Type is SINGLE, only a single frame shall be referenced, either directly or indirectly; if the value is CINE, only a single multi-frame SOP Instance shall be referenced.

If the value of Image Box Layout Type is STACK, more than one SOP Instance or frame may be referenced, and the frames constitute a stack to be displayed in the Image Box. For frames identified by the Referenced Image Sequence, the order of stepping through the stack shall be the order of Image SOP Instance references in that Sequence. If multiple frames are selected in Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160), those frames shall be stepped through in the order of their listing in that Attribute, within the order of display of their Image SOP Instance.

For a stack whose frames are selected indirectly through an Item of the Referenced Presentation State Sequence, the order of stepping through the stack shall be the order of SOP Instance references in the Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115) of the referenced Presentation State. For a referenced Blending Softcopy Presentation State, this shall be the Referenced Series Sequence within the Blending Sequence (0070,0402) Item for which the Blending Position (0070,0405) value is UNDERLYING.


  1. Display of images using Blending Softcopy Presentation State must use indirect SOP Instance reference through the Referenced Presentation State Sequence (0008,9237) at the top level of Structured Display Image Box Sequence (0072,0422) Item, and cannot use the Referenced Presentation State Sequence within an Item of the Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140).

  2. A Blending Presentation State that references a blending of a single underlying frame and a single superimposed frame may be associated with a SINGLE Image Box Layout.

  3. A reference to a single display frame, either directly through Referenced Image Sequence or indirectly through Referenced Presentation State Sequence, may be associated with either a STACK or a CINE Image Box Layout as a degenerate case.

  4. There is no requirement for the pixel matrix sizes of the images in the stack, or the image display area as selected by referenced Presentation State SOP Instances, to be identical, nor for the referenced images to be of the same SOP Class.

  5. Referenced Presentation States are an initial presentation control. The rendering Application Entity might allow a user to interactively enable/disable graphic layers, or change the zoom, rotation, window width / window level, or other presentation controls. Any such Application Entity functionality is beyond the scope of the Standard.

C. Referenced Instance Sequence

The Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) references a non-Image SOP Instance, e.g., a Structured Report, Waveform, or Encapsulated Document SOP Instance, to be displayed in the image box. For such object references, the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) shall be SINGLE, even if displaying the object will require scrolling or paging (e.g., a multi-page encapsulated document).

C. Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence

The Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence (0008,1134) references a Stereometric SOP Instance, whose Stereo Pairs Sequence (0022,0020) references image pairs to be displayed in the Image Box. The number of image pairs referenced for display shall be consistent with the value of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304). If the value of Image Box Layout Type is SINGLE, only a single pair of frames shall be referenced by the Stereo Pairs Sequence in the referenced Stereometric Instance; if the value is CINE, only a single pair of multi-frame SOP Instances shall be referenced; if the value is STACK, one or more pairs may be referenced constituting a stack to be displayed in the Image Box, and the order of stepping through the stack shall be the order of Items in the Stereo Pairs Sequence. The manner in which a stereo pair is rendered is unspecified.


  1. While the Stereometric IOD allows reference to multiple pairs of multi-frame cine Instances, the CINE Image Box Layout does not support the display of more than one (a "stack" of cines).

  2. Display of stereo pairs typically requires specialized hardware (e.g., polarizing filters and shutter glasses).

C. Type of Synchronization

Type of Synchronization (0072,0434) specifies the method for synchronizing the display of images in two or more Image Boxes linked through the Synchronized Image Box List (0072,0432).


Stepping of frames in one Image Box is synchronized by the stepping of an identical number of frames in the other Image Boxes.


Stepping of frames in one Image Box is synchronized by the stepping of frames in the other Image Boxes to effect an identical relative positional offset within the Patient-Based Coordinate System. This presumes that the referenced images includes Image Position (Patient) (0020,0032) and Image Orientation (Patient) (0020,0037) Attributes, and that the stacks have approximately the same orientation relative to the Patient-Based Coordinate System.


Playback of frames in one Image Box is synchronized by the playback of frames in the other Image Boxes to effect an identical temporal offset from the original displayed frame. This presumes that the referenced images include Frame Time (0018,1063), Frame Time Vector (0018,1065), or Frame Reference DateTime (0018,9151). It also presumes that if the Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) is STACK, the frames are referenced in a monotonically increasing time order in the stack.


Playback of frames in one Image Box is synchronized by the playback of frames in the other Image Boxes to effect an identical phase offset. This presumes that the referenced frames within each referenced Image Box constitute a uniform sampling across a single "cycle", and that relative position within that cycle is synchronized across all the referenced Image Boxes. For Image Boxes with Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) value CINE, the set of frames to be displayed as one cycle may be specified either using the Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) Attribute within the Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140), or if that Attribute is not present, using the values of Attributes Start Trim (0008,2142) and Stop Trim (0008,2143).


  1. PHASE may be used, for instance, to synchronize display of images representing a single cardiac cycle.

  2. Synchronization of Image Boxes is an initial presentation control. The rendering Application Entity might allow a user to unlink the synchronization, e.g., to navigate to cine frames before the Start Trim (0008,2142) frame or after the Stop Trim (0008,2143) frame. Any such Application Entity functionality is beyond the scope of the Standard.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions