DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.11.13 Presentation State Mask Module

Table C.11.13-1 specifies the Attributes of the Presentation State Mask Module, which specialize the use of masks in a Presentation State.

Table C.11.13-1. Presentation State Mask Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Mask Subtraction Sequence



Required if Mask Module is present.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Applicable Frame Range (0028,6102) shall not be included in the Sequence Item.

See Section C.7.6.10 for a complete definition of the Attributes in the Items of this Sequence other than Mask Operation (0028,6101) and Applicable Frame Range (0028,6102).


  1. This Sequence is replicated here in order to specify one Item, additional conditions on Mask Operation (0028,6101) and to forbid Applicable Frame Range (0028,6102).

  2. The role of Applicable Frame Range (0028,6102) is replaced by Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160).

>Mask Operation



Type of mask operation to be performed

Enumerated Values:



See Section C. for further explanation.


The requirement in this Module is for Enumerated Values, which overrides the requirements of the Mask Module.

>Contrast Frame Averaging



Specified the number of contrast frames to average together before performing the mask operation.

Required if Mask Frame Numbers (0028,6110) specifies more than one frame (i.e., is multi-valued).


The requirement in this Module is conditional and overrides the optional requirements of the Mask Module.

Recommended Viewing Mode



Specifies the recommended viewing protocol(s).

Enumerated Values:


for subtraction with mask images

Required if Mask Subtraction Sequence (0028,6100) is present.


The requirements in this Module are type 1C and a specified Enumerated Value, which override the requirements of the Mask Module.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions