DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |
The table in this section contains Attributes that identify annotations to the waveform of the current SOP Instance. Each annotation conceptually forms the equivalent of a overlay on a presentation display of the annotated entity. Annotations may represent a measurement or categorization based on the waveform data, identification of regions of interest or particular features of the waveform, or events during the data collection that may affect diagnostic interpretation (e.g., the time at which the subject coughed).
Each Annotation Item shall have the following components:
Table C.10-11. Waveform Annotation Module Attributes
Text Observation Value (annotation). Mutually exclusive with Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043). |
Code representing the fully specified name of the NUMERIC measurement or CODED concept. |
A Sequence of Items modifying or specializing the Concept Name. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required if the value of Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) does not fully describe the semantics of the measurement or concept. |
>>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” |
A Sequence that conveys the categorical coded nominal value. |
A Sequence of Items modifying or specializing the Concept. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required if the value of Concept Code Sequence (0040,A168) does not fully describe the semantics of the concept value. |
>>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” |
List of channels in waveform to which annotation applies. See Section C. |
See Section C. for Enumerated Values. Required if Annotation does not apply to entire Referenced Waveform Channels; shall not be present if Annotation applies to entire temporal extent of referenced channels. |
List of samples within a multiplex group specifying temporal points for annotation. Position of first sample is 1. Required if Temporal Range Type (0040,A130) is present, and if Referenced Time Offsets (0040,A138) and Referenced DateTime (0040,A13A) are not present. See Section C. |
Specifies temporal points for annotation by number of seconds after start of data. Required if Temporal Range Type (0040,A130) is present, and if Referenced Sample Positions (0040,A132) and Referenced DateTime (0040,A13A) are not present. |
Specifies temporal points for annotation by absolute time. Required if Temporal Range Type (0040,A130) is present, and if Referenced Sample Positions (0040,A132) and Referenced Time Offsets (0040,A138) are not present. |
Number identifying associated annotations (see Section C. |
Referenced Waveform Channels (0040,A0B0) is a multi-value Attribute that lists the channels to which an annotation of a waveform applies. Each channel is specified as a pair of values (M,C), where the first value is the ordinal of the Item of Waveform Sequence (5400,0100) (i.e., the Multiplex Group Number), and the second value is the ordinal of the Item of the Channel Definition Sequence (003A,0200) Attribute (i.e., the Waveform Channel Number) within the multiplex group.
If the specified channel number is 0, the annotation applies to all channels in the multiplex group.
The Temporal Range Type (0040,A130) Attribute defines the type of temporal extent of the annotated region of interest. A temporal point (or instant of time) may be defined by a waveform sample offset (for a single waveform multiplex group only), time offset, or absolute time.
Referenced Sample Positions (0040,A132) may be used only if Referenced Waveform Channels (0040,A0B0) refers to channels within a single multiplex group. The sample position is by channel, and applies to all channels specified in Referenced Channels (0040,A0B0).
The Annotation Group Number (0040,A180) allows the logical association of multiple annotations within the current SOP Instance. Such linked annotations share an Annotation Group Number, but each annotation is semantically separable. The nature of the association is not defined. The number is not semantically significant.
DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |