DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table 10.25-1 specifies the Attributes of the Attribute Value Constraint Macro, which allows an Attribute to be identified and to have constraints placed on acceptable values for that Attribute. An Attribute being constrained is referred to in the Macro as a Selector Attribute.
This Macro does not handle mutual constraints between multiple Attributes. For example constraining the ratio between two Attributes to a specific value is not possible unless there is a third Attribute that encodes that ratio so the third Attribute could then be constrained.
The SOP Instance containing this Macro defines the purpose of the constraints, which may include constraining Attribute values in other SOP Instances.
Table 10.25-1. Attribute Value Constraint Macro Attributes
Include Table 10-20a “Extended Selector Attribute Macro Attributes” |
Describes how the value(s) specified in the Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) shall be used to determine the acceptability of a given value for the Attribute identified by Selector Attribute (0072,0026) See Section 10.25.1. |
Level of significance of a Selector Attribute value exceeding this constraint. See Section 10.25.2. |
Conditionality of the constraint violation significance. If the condition is not met, the violation has no significance. The condition may be expressed as a mathematical expression, a human readable text or other form. Required if Constraint Violation Significance (0082,0036) is only significant under certain conditions. |
Value(s) used to constrain the contents of the Attribute referenced by the Selector Attribute (0072,0026). Required if Constraint Type (0082,0032) is not UNCONSTRAINED. If the Constraint Type (0082,0032) is GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN, EQUAL or MEMBER_OF_CID only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence. If the Constraint Type (0082,0032) is RANGE_INCL or RANGE_EXCL, exactly two Items shall be included in this Sequence, the first of which is less than or equal to the second. If the Constraint Type (0082,0032) is MEMBER_OF or NOT_MEMBER_OF, one or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. |
Any sub-Sequences in the Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) shall only contain one Item. Any Attribute in the Sequence Item(s) shall contain a single value. If Constraint Type (0082,0032) is MEMBER_OF_CID, this shall be a Selector UI Value (0072,007F), despite the Selector Attribute VR (0072,0050) being SQ. |
Contains a default value for the contents of the Selector Attribute (0072,0026). |
Units of measurement for the values in the Item(s) in the Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) and the Recommended Default Value Sequence (0082,0035). |
Brief guidance that a human operator may consider when selecting an appropriate value for the Selector Attribute (0072,0026) within the constraints defined. |
The use of the specified value(s) in the Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) to constrain the value of the Attribute referenced by the Selector Attribute (0072,0026) shall depend on the value of Constraint Type (0082,0032) as follows:
the value is constrained to lie between the specified values, or be equal to one of the specified values
the value is constrained to lie outside (i.e., not between) the specified values
the value is constrained to be greater than or equal to the specified value
the value is constrained to be less than or equal to the specified value
the value is constrained to be greater than the specified value
the value is constrained to be less than the specified value
the value is constrained to be equal to one of the specified values
the value is constrained to be not equal to any of the specified values
the value is constrained to be equal to a member of the specified CID
the value of the Selector Attribute (0072,0026) is not constrained
For MEMBER_OF_CID, Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) shall contain a single Selector UI Value (0072,007F), containing a Context Group UID (see Table A-3 Context Group UID Values in PS3.6 ).
RANGE_INCL, RANGE_EXCL, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL, GREATER_THAN or LESS_THAN shall only be specified if the Selector Attribute (0072,0026) is AS, DA, DS, DT, FD, FL, IS, SL, SS, TM, UL or US.
See Section C.2.2.2 in PS3.4 for further guidance on value comparison.
MEMBER_OF with a single Item in the Constraint Value Sequence (0082,0034) is valid and is equivalent to EQUAL.
If the Attribute referenced by the Selector Attribute (0072,0026) has a value multiplicity of greater than 1 and the value of Selector Value Number (0072,0028) is 0, all values in the selected Attribute shall be compared to the single specified value. The constraint is violated if any of the multiple values do not satisfy the comparison.
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |