DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table 10-24 specifies the Attributes of the Mandatory View and Slice Progression Direction Macro, which describe the view, and in the case of cardiac views, the direction of the slices relative to the cardiac anatomy.
Table 10-24. Mandatory View and Slice Progression Direction Macro Attributes
Sequence that describes the projection of the anatomic region of interest. |
BCID 26 “Nuclear Medicine Projection” unless otherwise specified in invocation. |
BCID 23 “Cranio-Caudad Angulation” unless otherwise specified in invocation. |
Describes the anatomical direction in which a set of slices is progressing (see Section Meaningful only for cardiac images. Enumerated Values are defined in Section Required if View Code Sequence (0054,0220) equals (103340004, SCT, "Short Axis") or (131185001, SCT, "Vertical Long Axis") or (131186000, SCT, "Horizontal Long Axis"). May be present otherwise. |
The image or frame order to which the Slice Progression Direction (0054,0500) applies depends on the IOD:
In the case of Enhanced Multi-frame IODs, in which a Stack ID (0020,9056) may be defined, Stack ID (0020,9056) shall be used, and the slices are considered in order by In Stack Position Number (0020,9057)
In the case of Multi-frame Image IODs that are not Enhanced, the slices are considered in encoded frame order
In the case of Single-frame Image IODs, the order is defined by increasing values of Instance Number
The Enumerated Values depend on the view:
If View Code Sequence (0054,0220) indicates a short axis view, such as when it equals (103340004, SCT, "Short Axis"):
If View Code Sequence (0054,0220) indicates a vertical long axis view, such as when it equals (131185001, SCT, "Vertical Long Axis"):
If View Code Sequence (0054,0220) indicates a horizontal long axis view, such as when it equals (131186000, SCT, "Horizontal Long Axis"):
The conditions on the choice of Enumerated Values are relatively general, rather than specific to a single coded view, in order to accommodate the echocardiography views defined in CID 12226 “Echocardiography Image View” in PS3.16 , in addition to the views for CT, MR, NM and PET defined in CID 26 “Nuclear Medicine Projection” in PS3.16 .
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |