DICOM PS3.2 2024c - Conformance |
As a Service Class Provider of the Storage Commitment SOP Class, the <Product> receives the N-ACTION-RQ message to request storage commitment from a remote SCU. In turn it initiates the N-EVENT_REPORT-RQ messages to the SCU indicating success or failure of the request.
[Describe whether your product supports sending the N-EVENT-REPORT request on the same Association as the N-ACTION.]
Table N.5-16 lists conditions upon which an error code is sent in the Failure Reason (0008,1197) Attribute in the Failed SOP Sequence (0008,1198) of the N-EVEN-REPORT request.
[Fill in the conditions under which your product is sending the listed Status Codes. Note that for each code listed in the table, a condition needs to be provided. If your system does not support specific codes, list "Code is not supported"]
Table N.5-16. Failure Conditions on Storage Commitment SCP
[Specify whether your product supports the Storage Media File Set ID and UID Attributes in the N-ACTION-Request. If this is supported, also list the Media Application profiles supported in this context.]
[Specify whether the Retrieve AE title Attribute is supported and if so, what policies exist for its usage.]
[Describe the policies and nature of commitment of the product, e.g., the duration of storage, retrieve capabilities, latency, capacity, and other pertinent information.]
[Describe how long the product typically needs to send the N-EVENT-REPORT-RQ after the N-ACTION-RQ is received.]
DICOM PS3.2 2024c - Conformance |