N. SCP of the Storage SOP Classes
As a Service Class Provider of the Storage Service Class, the <Product> receives the C-STORE-RQ message from remote SCUs.
See Section N.1.1 Content and Transfer in the Overview for the list of supported SOP Classes.
Table N.5-10 defines the conformance levels of <Product>.
Table N.5-10. Levels of Conformance
Levels of Conformance
<<0, 1, or 2>>
Level of Digital Signature Support
<<1, 2, or 3>>
The <Product> coerces the Attributes listed in Table N.5-11 upon receiving them from other systems.
The "SOP Class UID" column indicates whether the coercion is applicable to specific SOP Classes or to "ALL" SOP Classes.
The "Type of Change" column defines the coercion done to the Attributes, the following Values can be used:
MODIFIED: The Value of the Attribute is changed; the new Value is described in the "New Value" column.
ADDED: The Attribute is added with the Value defined in the "New Value" column.
REMOVED: That Attribute is completely removed from the instance.
The "Condition" column defines the condition under which coercion is performed. The following Values can be used:
ALWAYS: Data coercion is performed on each instance of the specified SOP Class that is received by the system.
EXTERNAL: Data coercion is performed on instances received from systems external to the institution.
CONFIGURATION: Data coercion is performed based on system configuration.
OTHER: Data coercion is performed for other conditions. Details are defined in the "Comments" column.
[Table N.5-11 defines some examples on which data coercion can be performed. Add/remove scenarios as they apply to your product implementation. In case you use OTHER as a condition, the "Comments" column must be used to define the condition in further detail. It is recommended to include Attributes that are coerced in the Modified Attributes Sequence (0400,0550) of the Original Attributes Sequence (0400,0561), which is documented in Section N.9.1.1.]
Table N.5-11. Attribute Coercion by Storage SCP
Attribute Name
Type of Change
New Value
Patient ID
Local Patient ID
Issuer of Patient ID
Local site as Issuer
Lossy Image Compression
If lossy compression is enabled on system
Patient Name
CT Image Storage (1.2.840.10008.5.
Pat_xxx (where xxx is a sequential number)
Studies received through CLINICALTRIAL AE
Table N.5-12 lists any limitations on displaying or processing instances, e.g., display or processing of the respective SOP Instances is prevented by an unsupported Value for an Attribute or the absence of that Attribute.
[When a Limitation is based on multiple Attributes (e.g., images cannot be displayed, if they are lossless compressed and encoded as Photometric Interpretation RGB), the Attributes are listed each in a row and the "Comments" and "Effect" cells are merged as shown in the example below. The "Comments" column is used to explain as necessary. Also use this mechanism when documenting restrictions based on Private Attributes, e.g., list the Private Creator attribute as well as the Private Attribute.]
The "Effect" column describes what happens if the limitation is encountered. The following Values are used:
ND: Display is not possible
LD: Display is limited
NP: Processing is not possible
LP: Processing is limited
OT: Other effects described in the "Comments" column
[If there are no restrictions on display or processing requirements, replace the sentence above with No restriction to display or post processing apply.]
Table N.5-12. Display and Processing Limitations for Storage SCP
Limitation Case
Attribute Name
CT Image Storage
Bits Stored
Digital Mammography X-Ray Image - Storage for Processing
Detector ID
Value needs to be present for Licensing purposes
MR Image Storage
Private Creator
Different Diffusion directions and B Factors are not recognized for Diffusion Images
Diffusion B Factor
Diffusion Direction
All SOP Classes
Transfer Syntax UID
Lossless compressed RGB images cannot be displayed
Photometric Interpretation
Table N.5-13 lists the actions performed upon receiving instances from a remote AE and the system behavior when certain conditions are encountered
[Fill in Table N.5-13 for details. The Table shows some examples which can be reused, modified, deleted, or extended based on your product implementation]
Table N.5-13. Behavior when storing Instances
Action upon Receiving
System Behavior
Perform Attribute Validation
Minor DICOM inconsistencies
Fix error and log warning message:
Incorrect characters are replaced with "?"
Attributes exceeding length of VR are truncated
Type 2 Attributes not present are inserted with zero length
Duplicate Instance
<Reject/Overwrite/Ignore> Instances
DICOM Validation error
Send failure code on Association
Instances are stored in an internal database
Add to an existing study
Mismatch in patient identifying information detected
Instances are stored in an exception queue
Instances are stored in a local database
Localize Patient Information
Patient mismatch detected
Instances are stored in an exception queue
Original patient identity information is copied to Other Patient ID Sequence (0010,1002)
Instances are stored in an internal database.
Coerce non-patient-identifying Attributes
Original Values of coerced Attributes are copied to the Original Attributes Sequence (0040,0561).
Instances are stored in a local database
Evaluate Key Object Selection Document Title
Use referenced data for cross-enterprise document sharing (IHE XDS-I).
Rejected for Quality Reasons
Rejected for Patient Safety Reasons
Only provide instances referenced in retrieval on a specialized AE title
Incorrect Modality Workflist Entry
Hide instances from display and never provide in retrieve requests
All other document titles
Display key images according to the specified title
Table N.5-14 describes how the SCP handles compression for stored instances.
The following Values are used in the "Behavior" column:
AS_IS: Images are stored as received.
CONFIGURATION: Images are compressed based on internal configuration settings.
OTHER: All other conditions, which are further described in the "Comments" column.
The Transfer Syntax is used to describe the compression mechanism applied.
Table N.5-14. Image Compression by Storage SCP
SOP Class
Transfer Syntax
Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing
JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14 [Selection Value 1])
Video Photographic Image Storage
JPEG Baseline (Process 1)
All other SOP Classes
[Describe the mechanism by which additional SOP Classes are dynamically supported.]
[Describe storage details noted in PS3.4 Section B.4.3.2.]