DICOM PS3.1 2024e - Introduction and Overview

1.3 History

With the introduction of computed tomography (CT) followed by other digital diagnostic imaging modalities in the 1970's, and the increasing use of computers in clinical applications, the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recognized the emerging need for a standard method for transferring images and associated information between devices manufactured by various vendors. These devices produce a variety of digital image formats.

The American College of Radiology (ACR) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) formed a joint committee in 1983 to develop a standard to:

ACR-NEMA Standards Publication No. 300-1985, published in 1985 was designated version 1.0. The Standard was followed by two revisions: No. 1, dated October 1986 and No. 2, dated January 1988. These Standards Publications specified a hardware interface, a minimum set of software commands, and a consistent set of data formats.

ACR-NEMA Standards Publication No. 300-1988, published in 1988 was designated version 2.0. It included version 1.0, the published revisions, and additional revisions. It also included new material to provide command support for display devices, to introduce a new hierarchy scheme to identify an image, and to add data elements for increased specificity when describing an image.

In 1993, ACR-NEMA Standard 300 was substantially revised and replaced by this Standard, designated Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). It embodies a number of major enhancements to previous versions of the ACR-NEMA Standard:

In 1995, with the addition of DICOM capabilities for cardiology imaging supported by the American College of Cardiology, the ACR-NEMA Joint Committee was reorganized as the DICOM Standards Committee, a broad collaboration of stakeholders across all medical imaging specialties.

DICOM PS3.1 2024e - Introduction and Overview