DICOM PS3.4 2019a - Service Class Specifications

P.2.5 Conformance Requirements

The DICOM AE's Conformance Statement shall be formatted as defined in PS3.2.

P.2.5.1 SCU Conformance

The SCU shall document in its Conformance Statement the behavior and actions that cause the SCU to generate an N-ACTION primitive (Procedural Event Notification). It shall specify the Template used for constructing the Event Information, and the Coding Schemes used for coded entries in the Event Information.

The SCU shall document the identifiers it sends for matching purposes, and how it obtains those Attributes (e.g., through a Modality Worklist query, manual entry, etc.).

The SCU shall document the behavior and actions performed when a success, warning, or failure status is received.

The SCU shall document the mechanisms used for establishing time synchronization and specifying the Synchronization Frame of Reference UID.

DICOM PS3.4 2019a - Service Class Specifications