DICOM PS3.16 2016e - Content Mapping Resource

CID 3692 ICDs

This Context Group includes the full set of codes for types of implanted cardioverter/defibrillators (ICDs) specified in the NASPE/BPEG Defibrillator Code (NBD). The Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) shall be NBD.


Further information at http://www.hrsonline.org/News/ep-history/topics-in-depth/modecodehistory.cfm. For reference, the scheme is reproduced here:

Code Position

Shock chamber

Antitachycardia pacing chamber

Tachycardia detection

Antibradycardia pacing chamber

Code values

O = None

A = Atrium

V = Ventricle

D = Dual (A+V)

O = None

A = Atrium

V = Ventricle

D = Dual (A+V)

E = Electrogram

H = Hemodynamic

O = None

A = Atrium

V = Ventricle

D = Dual (A+V)

Short Form

ICD-S = ICD with shock capability only

ICD-B = ICD with bradycardia pacing as well as shock

ICD-T = ICD with tachycardia (and bradycardia) pacing as well as shock

DICOM PS3.16 2016e - Content Mapping Resource